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(* corresponding author)

   •    Patil DN, Pantalone S, Cao Y, Laboute T, Novick SJ, Singh S, Savino S, Faravelli S, Magnani F, Griffin PR, Singh AK, Forneris F, Martemyanov KA. Structure of the photoreceptor synaptic assembly of the extracellular matrix protein pikachurin with the orphan receptor GPR179. Sci Signal. 2023 Jul 25;16(795):eadd9539.

    •    Randzavola LO, Mortimer PM, Garside E, Dufficy ER, Schejtman A, Roumelioti G, Yu L, Pardo M, Spirohn K, Tolley C, Brandt C, Harcourt K, Nichols E, Nahorski M, Woods G, Williamson JC, Suresh S, Sowerby JM, Matsumoto M, Santos CXC, Kiar CS, Mukhopadhyay S, Rae WM, Dougan GJ, Grainger J, Lehner PJ, Calderwood MA, Choudhary J, Clare S, Speak A, Santilli G, Bateman A, Smith KGC, Magnani F*, Thomas DC*. EROS is a selective chaperone regulating the phagocyte NADPH oxidase and purinergic signalling. Elife. 2022 Nov 24;11:e76387.

    •    “Enzyme Engineering” volume, Methods in Molecular Biology series (Springer). Magnani F, Marabelli C, Paradisi F. (Eds.)(2021).

    •    Reis J, Massari M, Marchese S, Ceccon M, Aalbers FS, Corana F, Valente S, Mai A, Magnani F, Mattevi A. A closer look into NADPH oxidase inhibitors: Validation and insight into their mechanism of action. Redox Biol. 2020 May;32:101466. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2020.101466.

   •    Vrettos EI, Valverde IE, Mascarin A, Pallier PN, Cerofolini L, Fragai M, Parigi G, Hirmiz B, Bekas N, Grob NM, Stylos EΚ, Shaye H, Del Borgo M, Aguilar MI, Magnani F, Syed N, Crook T, Waqif E, Ghazaly E, Cherezov V, Widdop RE, Luchinat C, Michael-Titus AT, Mindt TL, Tzakos AG. Single Peptide Backbone Surrogate Mutations to Regulate Angiotensin GPCR Subtype Selectivity. Chemistry. 2020 Aug 21;26(47):10690-10694.

   •    Chiabrando D, Scietti L, Prajica AG, Bertino F, Tolosano E, Magnani F*. Expression and purification of the heme exporter FLVCR1a. Protein Expr Purif. 2020 Aug;172:105637.

   •    Magnani F*, Mattevi A*. Structure and mechanisms of ROS generation by NADPH oxidases. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2019 Dec;59:91-97.

   •    Ceccon M, Millana Fananas E, Massari M, Mattevi A*, Magnani F*. Engineering stability in NADPH oxidases: A common strategy for enzyme production. Mol Membr Biol. 2017 May-Dec;34(3-8):67-76.

   •    Iacovino LG, Magnani F, Binda C. The structure of monoamine oxidases: past, present, and future. J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2018 Nov;125(11):1567-1579.

   •    Magnani F*, Nenci S, Millana Fananas E, Ceccon M, Romero E, Fraaije MW, Mattevi A*. Crystal structures and atomic model of NADPH oxidase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Jun 27;114(26):6764-6769.

   •    Piano V, Nenci S, Magnani F, Aliverti A, Mattevi A. Recombinant human dihydroxyacetonephosphate acyl-transferase characterization as an integral monotopic membrane protein. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016 Dec 2;481(1-2):51-58.

   •    Magnani F, Serrano-Vega MJ, Shibata Y, Abdul-Hussein S, Lebon G, Miller-Gallacher J, Singhal A, Strege A, Thomas JA, Tate CG. A mutagenesis and screening strategy to generate optimally thermostabilized membrane proteins for structural studies. Nat Protoc. 2016 Aug;11(8):1554-71.

   •    Magnani F, Pappas CG, Crook T, Magafa V, Cordopatis P, Ishiguro S, Ohta N, Selent J, Bosnyak S, Jones ES, Gerothanassis IP, Tamura M, Widdop RE, Tzakos AG. Electronic sculpting of ligand-GPCR subtype selectivity: the case of angiotensin II. ACS Chem Biol. 2014 Jul 18;9(7):1420-5.

   •    Laursen NS, Magnani F, Gottfredsen RH, Petersen SV, Andersen GR. Structure, function and control of complement C5 and its proteolytic fragments. Curr Mol Med. 2012 Sep;12(8):1083-97.

   •    Doré AS, Robertson N, Errey JC, Ng I, Hollenstein K, Tehan B, Hurrell E, Bennett K, Congreve M, Magnani F, Tate CG, Weir M, Marshall FH. Structure of the adenosine A(2A) receptor in complex with ZM241385 and the xanthines XAC and caffeine. Structure. 2011 Sep 7;19(9):1283-93.

   •    Shibata Y, White JF, Serrano-Vega MJ, Magnani F, Aloia AL, Grisshammer R, Tate CG. Thermostabilization of the neurotensin receptor NTS1. J Mol Biol. 2009 Jul 10;390(2):262-77.

   •    Magnani F, Shibata Y, Serrano-Vega MJ, Tate CG. Co-evolving stability and conformational homogeneity of the human adenosine A2a receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Aug 5;105(31):10744-9.

   •    Serrano-Vega MJ, Magnani F, Shibata Y, Tate CG. Conformational thermostabilization of the beta1-adrenergic receptor in a detergent-resistant form. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Jan 22;105(3):877-82.

   •    Magnani F, Tate CG, Wynne S, Williams C, Haase J. Partitioning of the serotonin transporter into lipid microdomains modulates transport of serotonin. J Biol Chem. 2004 Sep 10;279(37):38770-8.

   •    Tate CG, Haase J, Baker C, Boorsma M, Magnani F, Vallis Y, Williams DC. Comparison of seven different heterologous protein expression systems for the production of the serotonin transporter. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2003 Feb 17;1610(1):141-53.

   •    Haase J, Killian AM, Magnani F, Williams C. Regulation of the serotonin transporter by interacting proteins. Biochem Soc Trans. 2001 Nov;29(Pt 6):722-8.

   •    Pozza M, Bettelli C, Magnani F, Mascia MT, Manzini E, Calzà L. Is neuronal nitric oxide involved in adjuvant-induced joint inflammation? Eur J Pharmacol. 1998 Oct 16;359(1):87-93.


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